CLATUU Alpha is an outstanding and non-invasive fat-freezing solution that targets fat deposits in the body. Using cryolipolysis to target stubborn deposits of fat CLATUU Alpha is an effective solution without any downtime.

With applicators in various shapes and sizes designed to accommodate most body shapes, fat thickness, and areas of concern you can tailor and target treatments to fit your patient's body and specific goals.

Features & Benefits

Various Applicators Full Body Contouring

Fast & Easy Applicator Exchange

Expandable 7 Applicator Sizes

Predictable Results In 1 Treatment

360º Surround Cooling Maximum Efficacy

Minimal Storage Space Detachable applicators

Superior Suction Adjustable Levels

CLATUU Alpha Cryolipolysis Body Contouring

For Full Body Contouring

CLATUU Alpha offers an outstanding fat freezing solution for your patients. Using cryolipolysis to target stubborn deposits of fat on the body, CLATUU Alpha provides an effective solution without invasive surgery or downtime.
During a CLATUU Alpha treatment, the 360º applicators target the subcutaneous fat layer via the suction cup applicators, cooling and freezing cells evenly and rapidly, and inducing apoptosis (cell destruction). The fat deposits crystalise without damaging the surrounding tissues or nerves, and the body then gradually eliminates these cells through natural metabollic processes.

CLATUU’s applicators come in various shapes and sizes, designed to accommodate most body shapes, fat thickness, and areas of concern. Therefore you can tailor and target treatments to fit your patient’s body and specific goals.

For optimal results CLATUU Alpha treatments should be combined with a healthy diet and exercise.


Explandable Range of Applicators

The CLATUU Alpha's wide range of cooling cups are designed to perfection in the R & D laboratory and are suitable to conform to a large variety of body shapes and patients. Each individual cup helps to achieve a variety of customized treatment plans to effectively reduce fat cells for the ultimate body contouring experience.

how it works

Extensive research and development time has resulted in CLATUU Alpha’s powerful cooling technology, with its revolutionary approach to absolute, non-invasive body contouring.

Upgraded 360° Surround Cooling Technology

360° surround cooling technology increases efficiency by up to 18.1%, as opposed to conventional two-sided cooling methods. This allows delivery of cooling to the entire cup, and results in more effective removal of fat cells.

Applicator Recognition

CLATUU Alpha has automatic applicator cup recognition which allows for easy treatment application.

Adjustable Levels

CLATUU Alpha’s ability to adjust both cooling and suction levels allows practitioners to provide customised treatments for patients with confidence.

Science behind Alpha

Each cooling applicator is engineered to target the patient’s subcutaneous fat layer without damaging surrounding tissues or nerves. This is truly innovative and advanced cooling technology.

Clinical Results

“I highly recommend the CLATUU Alpha as the best in market fat freezing device for body shaping, it has been the back bone of my business and allowed me to grow into the leading contouring practice in Australia and New Zealand!”